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12th Executive Committee

Wongreantong Madtika

Madtika is a third-year undergraduate pursuing Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) at the Singapore Management University, majoring in Finance. She was placed on the Dean’s List for AY 2021/2022. This coming summer, Madtika will be interning at Kredens Capital as an Investment Analyst. Outside of school, she enjoys travelling and hiking, both in Singapore and overseas! 


“Dream big, stay positive, work hard and enjoy the journey” - Urijah Faber

Vice President
Jovis Ngiam

Jovis is a second-year undergraduate pursuing a double degree in Business Management (BBM) and Economics (BSc(Econs)). Jovis is a recipient of the Lee Kong Chian Scholarship and is also part of the organising committee for Kidleidoscope 2023. He is currently working as a Research and Business Development Intern at Itochu Corporation. During his free time, Jovis enjoys baking and running. 


“In order to determine whether we can know anything with certainty, we first have to doubt everything we know" - René Descartes

Vice President
Dillion Chong

Dillion is a second-year undergraduate pursuing Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) at the Singapore Management University. Dillion also serves as an Adjunct Trainer at CITI Foundation-SMU Financial Literacy Programme as well as a student mentor at Project SSUpport. He is currently a Senior Financial Consultant at Great Eastern. Outside of school, Dillion enjoys rugby, photography and horology. 


“Winners never quit, and quitters never win” - Vince Lombardi

Director - Central East Asia
Lynette Koo

Lynette is a second-year undergraduate pursuing Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) at the Singapore Management University. Lynette is currently a Transformation & Operational Excellence intern at Allianz Insurance Singapore. During her free time, Lynette enjoys cooking and rock climbing! 


“Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny” - Stephen Hawking 

Director - Emerging Europe
Chan Kai Yi

Kai Yi is a second-year undergraduate pursuing a degree in Bachelor of Economics (BSc(Econs)). Kai Yi is also a proud member of SMU Samba Masala, playing the drums. Kai Yi’s favourite genre of music is Indie and Pop! She is currently a summer intern at HSBC. Outside of school, Kai Yi enjoys hiking and baking. 


“It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine” - Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh

Director - India
Shrikrrit Bhatter

Shrikrrit is a second-year undergraduate pursuing a degree in Bachelor of Economics (BSc(Econs)). He is interning as a Research and Analytics Intern at ARA Asset Management during the summer break. He is also involved in Cuesports and Financial Literacy CSP! Outside of school, he enjoys swimming, travelling and reading. 


“When you refuse to settle for less than the best, the best tends to track you down!”

Director - Latin America
Hein Htet Aung

Htet is a third-year undergraduate pursuing Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) at the Singapore Management University, majoring in Finance with a specialisation in International Trading. He is a recipient of the BB Energy Scholarship. Htet is currently a Trading Operator at BB Energy (Asia) Pte Ltd. Htet is a holistic, all-rounder SMU student, a proud member of SMU Funk Movement, SMU Civil Defence Lionhearters as well as SMU Maritime Merchants Society. Outside of school, he enjoys dancing, rock climbing and travelling! 


“A day without laughter is a day wasted” - Charlie Chaplin

Director - Middle East & Africa
Brennan Ng

Brennan is a second-year undergraduate pursuing Bachelor of Business Management (BBM) at the Singapore Management University. Brennan is also a member of SMU Rugby. He is currently a strategy intern at Bifrost. During his free time, he enjoys playing golf and running. 


“Believe you can and you are halfway there” - Theodore Roosevelt

Director - Southeast Asia
Gaurang Jhanwar

Gaurang is a third-year pursuing a degree in Bachelor of Economics (BSc(Econs)) and a second major in Finance at the Singapore Management University. He is currently a Spring Investment Analyst at Alto Partners Multi Family Office. Outside of school, Gaurang is an avid equestrian and enjoys taking long drives.


“Dreams don’t work unless you do”

Marketing Director
Liu Huiqun

Huiqun is a first-year undergraduate pursuing a double degree in Business Management (BBM) and Economics (BSc(Econs)). She is a recipient of the SMU Merit Scholarship. Outside of school, she enjoys painting and engaging in DIY projects.


“There are no regrets in life, just lessons” - Jennifer Aniston

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